"And Let Us Sing in Praise" | ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ
"And Let Us Sing in Praise"

Chanted by
The Bishop of Samos Irineos Papamichail
Simon Karas and the Choir of the Society for Dissemination of National Music
Dimitris Papapostolis
and Dimitris Karonis
Ι. Hymns of the Passion and the Resurrection
- The Lord Is God … Let Us Keep the Feast Together – Why Do Ye Rage, Ye Heathens, selection from the Kanon (Ode nine) and Come Forth, Ye Nations, Stichero Idiomelo at Lauds of the Palm Sunday Matins (Mode IV "legetos")
- Alleluia – Behold the Bridegroom, dismissal hymn of the Service of the Bridegroom
(Mode IV Plagal "triphonos")
- Shuddered the Body of the Benevolent Children – With Purified Souls, (Mode II), Hirmoi of the Kanons of the Matins of Holy Monday and Holy Wednesday respectively, and I see Thy Bridal Chamber, Exaposteilarion of the Service of the Bridegroom (Mode III).
- Everything that Hath Breath – The Lord, as He Camest,
Stichero Idiomelo at Lauds of Holy Monday Matins (Mode I)
- Let My Prayer Be Directed from the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified (Mode II Plagal)
- Glory Be to the Father – They Stripped Me of My Garments – I Gave My Back to Scourging, Doxastikon at Lauds of the Holy Passion Service (mode II Plagal)
- Thy Tomb, O Savior, Resurrectional Kathisma of the Lamentation on the Tomb
("Epitaphios") (mode I chromatic)
- The Praises ("Egomia") of Epitaphios: Thou Who Art the Life – It Is Meet to Magnify Thee (“Axion Esti”) (Mode I Plagal), All Generations – Myrth-bearing Women Came (Mode III) and When Thou Didst Descent unto Death, Resurrectional dismissal hymn (Mode II)
- Lord, I Have Cried unto Thee – Let My Prayer Be Directed
from the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified (Mode I Plagal)
- Come, Receive Ye Light (Mode I Plagal) - Thy Resurrection, Christ (Mode II) - Gospel of the Resurrection (Mark 16: 1 – 8) - Christ Is Arisen (“Christos Anesti”) (Mode I Plagal) - The Day of Resurrection – Let us Purify Our Senses (Mode I) from the Matins of the Resurrection.
- Without the Experience of Corruption, Hirmos (Ode nine, instead of “Axion Esti”)
of the Kanon of the Pentecost (Mode Varys)
"And Let Us Sing in Praise" | ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ