"And Let Us Sing in Praise" | ÅËËÇÍÉÊÁ
"And Let Us Sing in Praise"

Chanted by
The Bishop of Samos Irineos Papamichail
Simon Karas and the Choir of the Society for Dissemination of National Music
Dimitris Papapostolis
and Dimitris Karonis
ÉÉ. Hymns of the Daily Services and of the Feasts of the year
- Most Holy Mother of God – By Many Temptations Am I Distressed – Higher than the Heavens – Speechless Be the lips of the Impious (Mode IV Plagal "Triphonos") - O ye Apostles from Afar (Mode III), Troparia from the Small and the Great Supplicatory Kanon
- The Most Pure Shrine of the Savior, (Mode IV chromatic) Kontakion of the Presentation of Virgin Mary.
- I Will Love Thee – "Axion Esti", from the “Pontifical” Divine Liturgy (Mode II)
- Our Master and Bishop, “chanted during the Veneration of the Holy Icons by the bishop” from the Service of the Matins (Mode Varys)
- Blessed Is the Man, from the Vespers of Saturday and in Feasts of Saints (Mode IV plagal)
- I shall Open My Mouth, Hirmos (Ode one) from the Kanon of Akathistos Hymn (Mode IV "Legatos")
- Awed by the Beauty of Thy Virginity, Theotokion of Akathistos (Mode III)
- Glory to Thee Who Hast Shown Forth the Light, selections from the slow Doxology of the Service of the Matins (Mode Varys)
- The Renewal of Mankind, Katavasia (Ode four) of the Kanon of the Matins of Christmas (Mode I)
- Everything that Hath Breath – Make Glad, O Ye righteous, Stichero Idiomelo at Lauds of the Matins of Christmas (Mode IV "Legetos")
"And Let Us Sing in Praise" | ÅËËÇÍÉÊÁ