"Αντίφωνα Βυζαντινά & Γρηγοριανά" | ENGLISH

Βυζαντινά & Γρηγοριανά

Ακούστε ηχητικά αποσπάσματα

Part one

Chanting the same psalm alternatively in Greek & Latin

1. Alleluia Part 1, Part 2
2. Magnificat Part 1, Part 2
3. Doxology Part 1, Part 2
4. Antiphon Part 1, Part 2
5. Communion Hymn / Anaphora Part 1, Part 2.

Part two

a. Nova Schola Gregoriana

Media vita. Responsorium prolixum

Circumdederunt me. Antiphona ad introitum, third tone

Tenebrae factae sunt. Responsorium prolixuim; fourth tone
Angelus Domini. Antiphona; fourth tone

Alleluia; first tone

Strips Jesse. Responsorium prolixuim; first tone

Jubitate Deo. Offectorium; first tone

b. The Maestros of Psaltic Art:

The stone which the builders rejected.
Melodic Irmos, tone one

The doors of repentance – The paths of salvation –
The multitude of my terrible acts: plagal of the fourth tone
“Neagie” and plagal of the second tone "Neanes"

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, tone one, “Neanes”

Lord have mercy. Third tone

Lord have mercy. Tone one, “Ananes”

Sound Engineer – Remixing: John Smyrnaios


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